Nicholas will be home in a little less than two weeks from ETSU. He got a 98% on his computer test, and his grades are great so far. He's as hyper about the holidays as we are.
Dave Park has been our speaker in chapel for the last two weeks and will continue through the month of January. Fantiastic man and a strong, strong speaker of the Word. His ministry is His Passion and you can see some of the God-honoring work they do by clicking here:
This has been a trying week. I have had one counselling session after another, and many are of students who are hurting....really hurting. I feel quite drained but I am also encouraged by the magnificence in the steady climb of these young people through the reaching out of Jesus in their lives.
"Oh, this is a reality, not a fable, that the Lord Jesus Christ is our friend. And we should not be satisfied till we are brought to this." - George Muller
Please pray for some major decisions we must make soon. Please pray also for Jill to be relieved from some of the many sicknesses that plague her. She has been diagnosed with numerous disease infestations in her body, one of which has stripped her of all energy. She is told that in effect, she has had a form of mono for years! It is very hard for her during the winter months.