Sunday, October 24, 2010

The experiences of Job

The Zockoll household has been under many an adventure - some of them not so pleasant - since I have last written in this blog. The times have been trying, but I have learned how important they are to drawing me closer to Christ.

I mainly found out that God can show Himself to me better if I just get out of the way.

It's no news to you that we've had a pretty tough row to hoe in recent years. Jill's health, my work, our family ... we've all undergone some pretty nasty broadsides. Time and time again I cried out to God for relief from the oppression that seemed to come day after day without relief. In fact, I can remember in the midst of a day of a Social Security setbacks, a family crisis, and an injury to myself, I had to start laughing. I can recall telling Jill that it almost seemed funny, the way the things were piling on. The actual details are not important, but the lesson I wish to share is: God wanted us to draw closer to Him and depend on Him more.

And it has been happening with us. Day by day my realization of the awesomeness and overshadowing care grows. I am embarrassed by the foolhardy assumptions I've had. I agree with the Christian scholar who quoted Shakespeare: "Man, poor man, so ignorant in that which he knows best." I am amazed - being a Bible teacher, especially this year in teaching, OT Survey, psychology and Koine Greek - and how downright stupid i am in subjects I teach. The more I dig into the Bible the more I realize God's power and protection and leading to the right path.

And now I take a deep breath and answer the question: "Has it been - and is it still - worth the trouble you've been through, that God has become more real and more personal to you."

And I gulp right now and say - and I can hardly believe I am saying this - yes.