Here is a picture of Peter and me taken some months ago. Believe it or not, this was on Halloween. We were part of a Trunk or Treat outreach to the city.
Each car was parked in our church parking lot (at least five acres of lot) and filled with enough candy to give away to little ones who came by. At my estimate there were 50 cars or more who participated. There was a decoration contest. With no theme in mind, Peter dressed in Steeler gear while I wore my graduation robe. The car? We grabbed about twnety strings of lights and covered the car. No theme in mind (which drive my wife Jill batty - "you're supposed to have a theme!")
Guess what? We won first place!
The reason I post this picture today is to remind us all of the fun memories we've had this year in the Lord's service. It has been great fun serving the Lord Jesus Christ. I think of the Theology Camp we had in Gatlinburg. I think of the times I've debated my students in class, preparing theme for the naysayers of the world. I think of the middle school kids I teach each Sunday. I remember the Christmas concert we've just presented to the community. So many enjoyable times with my family on trips and special evenings of clowning around or even having quiet Bible reading together.
Then, of course, we've enjoyed the day with Marlene and Robert, my in-laws. The Lord blessed the day with great closeness and relaxation.
May you have a wonderful day. Thank Jesus for His wonderful gift.