Friday, December 22, 2006

Some reasonable thoughts

The family is in the hyper shopping-and-wrapping mode today. Hint: if you want to beat the crowds around here, go shopping around midnight. The boys and I have done it twice and it's not too bad.

Thank you for your prayers. Jill is feeling much better. The current tests have come back with positive results and helps. We'll keep marching on and trust the Lord for Jill's strengthening. Two weeks ago, Jill collapsed at church and it has been the first priority to see her get the treatment she needs.

Let's look at the statements:

"There are no absolute truths"

I hear this one quite often, and to be frank, it puzzles me. The statement that "There are no absolute truths" is an absolute statement itself! It is self-defeating. Why continue along that vein?

"What is true for you is not true for me and what is true for me may not be true for you"

But what if I believe that relativism is false, then would the truth be that relativism is false? If you disagree, then we have a universal quandry - somebody has to be right on this subject. Let's say you tell me that I am wrong - then relativism collapses and the statement above dies on the vine. You had previously said that everyone makes up their own right and wrong. But what if you say that i am right - then my assertion that relativism is false stands and the believe dies as well.

I simpy don't see how people can hold to relativism and call it a viable belief.