Friday, December 01, 2006

Simon the Zealot

A lot of times I think about how I must constantly be aware that friendship builds bridges of relationships to those who do not know Christ. Often my excuses are "I'm too busy," or "That person isn't exactly in my circle of acquaintances," or simply, "They're different from me." Then I think of Simon the Zealot.

Simon Zelotes, (the Zealot) was one of the twelve disciples of Christ's earthly ministry . "Zealot" was added not only to distinguish him from Simon Peter mainly to display that he was a member of an organization that was a nationalistic political group. These members were a rough crowd. They were violent, emotional and especially anti-Roman. The Zealtos were a branch of the Pharisees that had a no-nonsense appraoch to traitors.

Simon was most likely 40 years old when he became a disciple, follwing Jesus for most likely nationalistic purposes. Initially he could have imagined that Jesus would head the revolution to rid the Romans ruling their land. Jesus has other plans.

Simon changed from violence to peace. Jesus knew that the Zealots and Publicans were bitter enemies. One group worked against the Romans, the other for them. Even so, Jesus chose a disciple from both groups.
Please understand...Matthew was chosen by Jesus. His name was initially Levi and he was a tax collector, the very people Simon's group went after.

Yet through Christ, the two opposite poles not only got along, they prayed together and ministered alongside one another.

"Our love to God is measured by our everyday fellowship with others and the love it displays." - Andrew Murray