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GOOD out of EVIL?
When I think of God's goodness arising desite the fact of human evil, I think of the story of Joseph ( Genesis 37–50 ). Joseph got "kicked in the teeth" more than once. He was forsaken by his brothers (coming from a family of ten children, I find this almost incomprehensible) and sold by his brothers into slavery. While some people might feel a reason for this incident to scar them into therapy for the rest of their lives, Joseph went on to be in God's hands to save the lives of multitudes in Egypt, even the members of his own family. As I read the passage, I note no bitterness on behalf of the one who was abused; Joseph kept his mouth shut except to do good for the Lord. There is no doubt about it, his brothers acted terribly - but through Joseph, God used their evil deeds for His glory. At the point of possible revenge, Jospeh pushed aside any thoughts of violence in responding to the brothers' fears: "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" (Genesis 50:19-20).This is one of the things that amazes me about God - He constantly shows His goodness even through the wickedness of man. It's one of the many amazing things about our God.