I came upon an assertion by an atheist that claimed there were hundreds of contradictions in the Bible. As I studied the claims, I relaized that the critic had pulled passages out right and left but was not fair in his allegations; he had not done the necessary homework in honestly trying to see what the passage was explaining. The best way I can illustrate this is to say that someone would attend an NFL game for five minutes and declare that Peyton Manning could never be a quarterback since they never saw him throw a pass.
Here is a sample of the supposed contradictions:
MT 25:34 Heaven was prepared before the Ascension of Jesus.
JN 14:2-3 It was prepared after the Ascension of Jesus.
The students of the Bible know full well the omnisicence of God in that Heaven was planned and prepared in the mind of God at the time the earth was formed. The Scripture plainly states that two distinct locations - heaven and earth - were createded at that time. In the reading of the coming Kingdom in the book of John in chapter 14, Christ foretells of dwelling places that the Believer will enjoy within the bounds of heaven. Jesus is now preparing these special places for His children.
JN 14:2-3 It was prepared after the Ascension of Jesus.
The students of the Bible know full well the omnisicence of God in that Heaven was planned and prepared in the mind of God at the time the earth was formed. The Scripture plainly states that two distinct locations - heaven and earth - were createded at that time. In the reading of the coming Kingdom in the book of John in chapter 14, Christ foretells of dwelling places that the Believer will enjoy within the bounds of heaven. Jesus is now preparing these special places for His children.
The fact of Heaven; the fact of the specific lodging within Heaven. These are not ontradictions at all. These are words of hope and joy to the Believer.