Luke 11:2 - And He said to them, "When you pray, say: 'Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
This very rich, deep and yet puzzling word for prayer is proseuchomai {pros-yoo'-khom-ahee}. Does anybody fully understand the impact of this wonderful gift of communication God has given us?
The Greek definition simply means to make a request to a deity, but what else can we learn about this word used by the Savior in this passage?
Prayer is so simple that the smallest child can pray, but it is so great that the mightiest man of God cannot be said to truly have mastered prayer. - (David Guzik)
"Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how to pray. He did not speak much of what was needed to preach well, but much of praying well. To know how to speak to God is more than knowing how to speak to man. Not power with men, but power with God is the first thing." (Murray)
"The wrestler strips before he enters upon the contest, and confession does the like for the man who is about to plead with God. A racer on the plains of prayer cannot hope to win, unless, by confession, repentance, and faith, he lays aside every weight of sin." - Spurgeon
So much to be said about prayer. Let's spend the next few days talking about it.