Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Galatians 5:16-26" But the fruit of the Spirit is ' self-control." (vv.22-23)

One of my most dear friends in high school was my spiritual mentor, Eric Frazier. Eric, a college student, moved into our household (we had 12 living under the roof at one time whenever he showed up!) and was almost an immediate influence to me in my 16th year. I saw him enjoy talking about the Scripture and sharing stories about the Bible in ways I never knew.

But the single most profound influence Eric had was the day we were on a Scouting trip with the troop. Eric was assisting in helping the guys set up camp and was given control over the site in the scoutmaster's absence. The only other adult was carrying a rotten attitude; he felt that the scoutmaster was short-changing him on some responsibilities and rights.

When the other adult started to lash out in front of the boys, Eric kindly but firmly told him that he needed to stop.

The adult twirled around and rushed 22 year old Eric, waving his fists and ready to strike. Eric closed his eyes and repeated that the man needed to follow the proper rules of authority.

I stood amazed at Eric's calmness, especially in the face of an open threat. He never lost his cool; in fact, within ten minutes, he had his arm around the other man, walking him around the perimeter of the camp, showing the troopers that there were no hard feelings.

Eric's Christian self-control was given to me in volumes that day. Talk all you like; I prefer to learn by seeing you walk.