Of the many beautiful words in the Hebrew language, I find that "khesed" is one of my favorites.
Whenever we sink into depression or cry out for help to God, is He indifferent or even offended?
No. He responds with Khesed.
Khesed is one of four Hebrew words for love. Khesed is an overwhelming desire to give of your self to the other person, for their benefit, no matter what it costs you. Note in Psalm 42:8 - The Lord will command His khesed in the daytime.
It is His command to give this overpowering care for us through the struggles of the day. This is God’s command, that we be loved and cared for. Corrie Ten Boom’s father told her “Our Father in Heaven knows when you will need the strength to be a martyr for Jesus Christ. He will supply all you need - just in time."
He will do more than that - He will give you strength through His khesed to make one day at a time as well. It is more than a command. It’s also a “personal effort” by God to make sure we receive our personal attention. I believe I can use that phrase without any disrespect to our Father, since I can read Psalm 57:3 and see “He will send forth (literally stretch out, direct) from Heaven...He will direct His khesed ...” God extends Himself toward us, reaches out, so that we may feel His presence and sense His love.