The Fireside Psalms books is online and ready to be shipped out! You can see the front cover and the general info here (simply click on the address below) :
or you can read a few sample passages here:
We're having a booksigning party at Cedar Springs Christian bookstore on Saturday November 18th. You can get directions and read more about this store (one of the nation's largest independent Christian bookstores) here:
Here's a great message sent to me by Mike and Krisi Hulsey:
"...you may remember my request for prayer about my 18 year old cousin that died tragically in a car accident. For those who were not there, Aayla was a young woman who had made a hard 180 u-turn in her life, she went from drugs alcohol to a life lived for God.Her funeral was an amazing event in her small town! (More than 1,000 attended) The family decided that Aayla would want them to take this opportunity to share Christ with all that came so they gave a true Salvation message at both the visitation and the Funeral (20 people came forward during the visitation to accept Christ) The next day the funeral was so crowded that they had to send folks into the gym to watch on a big screen. Once again the message of God’s grace was shared and many came forward. A revival has hit this small town in Missouri all because a young girl was brave enough to trust in God’s love, set her pride aside and live for our KING! Praise God for the testimony Aayla left behind, that so many would say 'I want what She had.'"