Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Special prayer request

I was sent some very sad news this morning. Would you put Haley in yur prayers today and in the next months? Here is the e-mail from members of my home church (West Park Baptist Church of Knoxville TN):

"We ask that you would all be in constant prayer for our friend Haley Chitty. She is one of our singles at West Park and has been serving in ministry with Campus Crusade at UT for the past 2 or 3 years. Yesterday morning her dad, mom and two younger brothers were flying back home to Shelby, NC in their Cessna when the plane crashed killing all four of her family members. She was at an annual Campus Crusade meeting when she received the news. Please pray for her as she attempts to make funeral plans and as she tries to make sense of this terrible tragedy."

Please be in deep and serious prayer during this time of extreme tragedy for Haley.

Jer 16:19 O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction...