Are you leading a Bible study? Do you have a chance to share with others in some Bible class? Here is a good thought to bring forth:
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; - 2 Timothy 3:16 (NAS)
That's an interesting word - "inspire" - but aside from the lofty sound of it, what does it actually mean in this verse? In the Latin inspirare means "to breathe in," but the Greek word theopneustos means "God-breathed" and are breathed out, not in.
The Scripture is an apokalupsis, an opening of the lid to reveal universal truths. We see God showing Himself - His love for us, His wisdom for all ages, and His will for mankind.
Some days back I was stuck on a new program for our school grading system. The program was just not opening up for me and I found it quite frustrating. Then a good friend and fellow teacher came over and sat with me, showing me the key words and prompts that opened up the program and consequently cut my grading time in half.
That's how I find the Bible. Sometimes I might get confused at the sheer depth of it but along with good diligence, prayer and the assistance of helps, I am amazed of the incredible teaching I can receive. Let's not run from the Bible - let's run to it! God has breathed out the dynamics for our life.
This generation is coming dangerously close to being totally Bible illiterate.
This Book we read is absolutely dynamite from Heaven. It's above and beyond man's reasoning - the very words are God's.
"...which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual {thoughts} with spiritual {words.}" - 1 Cor. 2:13