Thursday, January 04, 2007

Greek word "allos"

This is a picture from one of my novels written for Focus on the Family's publication Breakaway. The serialized novel is titled The Silmarillion Weekend, and the science-fiction novel concerned two boys who accidentally brought back CS Lewis and JRR Tolkein through a laboratory accident.

Though the action in the novel concerned the two boys' challenge to get both men back into their own time zones before the 48 hour limit was up, the real story I embedded in the pages concerned how Lewis and Tolkein viewed the modern-day Christian movement. Both men questioned the authenticity of a teens' faith that was built on emotion and entertainment.

I am arranging the Gatlinburg lodges for our second Theology Camp summer Bible getaways. If you are interested in saving a place, please contact me through my e-mail address:

The greek word ALLOS...

John 14:16 : "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter." The Greek word "another" is the word allos, which means "another of the same kind." Christ is telling the disciples as well as every Believer that He was sending back His own Spirit. This means that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ Himself. He wasn't leaving us and deciding on a future date to return. When He ascended as Jesus, He decscended as the Holy Spirit, to indwell the Believer and give him hope and comfort.

It's a very powerful way to explain why the writer said Jesus will never leave or forsake us (Heb. 13:5). He is with the Christian right now!