I received an e-mail from some very dear friends, the Kliewer family who live in South Carolina. They were among my first friends when I was a starving single youth pastor trying to do some good in this world. They took me in and befriended me despite my goof-ups and immaturity. I'll never forget their acceptance.
I love archaeology and wanted to pass this on:
One of the oldest human structures still in use today is the tunnel commissioned by King Hezikiah of Israel to bring water into the city of Jerusalem (it helped Judah fend off the siege of the city by the Assyrians in 701 B.C.) Now known as the Siloam Tunnel, it is the first structure mentioned in the Bible (II Chronicles 32: 3, 4 and II Kings 20:20) to be confirmed conclusively by archaeologists. The tunnel has been dated by the carbon-14 method to 700 B. C., with organic material in the plaster used to construct it - the structure is still strong and stable.