We were involved at our church's Trunk or Treat program last night, as a Halloween fun night for families throughout Knoxville. Here's the way it works:
Members of our church pull their car into the church parking lot at designated spaces and pop open their trunk, which is filled with boxes of candy to give out to children who come by. One of the cars was a Hawaiian tropics scene. Another was an actual old wooden outhouse - hilarious! One was a Nerd paradise and still another was a Motocross scene. Each car decorates and makes the atmosphere festive. I know last year we had thousands come to the party, but last night I' not sure how many due to a pretty severe rain about halfway through.
I got to see my old youth group member last night. Bobby Edington, a dear friend, introduced me to his wife and baby. That made the evening even more special.
I love this outreach. It's a time that I get to laugh and joke with families throughout the city. I wore my graduation robe and had a grand time. A couple of Chinese univeristy students stopped by and took pictures with me. It was a lot of fun.
My car? Peter and I covered my 1990 Jeep Cherokee with Christmas lights, front to back. We won first place!
I look forward to our college students coming home for the holidays. Nicholas, our son, alwasy brings joy when he comes home, and when his classmates from CAK stop by, we have a grand time.
If faith is the gaze of the heart at God, and if this gaze is but the raising of the inward eyes to meet the all-seeing eyes of God, then it follows that it is one of the easiest things possible to do. ... A. W. Tozer