I've been reading Lewis' Mere Christianity and am intrigued by chapter 25, concerning time. We as humans are in the limited sphere which is called time and we tend to think that God is bound by this same boundary.
However, as God has invented time, He will not be bound by His own creation any more than you would be bound to stay on your front porch. God's existence is timeless.
The point I'm making?
We tend to think God is rushed or limited in answering our prayers since He has so much to do. He's busy, right?
No - think about it. What is it about being busy? The fact that you have so much to do in a little space of time. Well, God has no limits like that. He can sit in His realm and study your prayer as if it were the only prayer in the universe. Our lives -- timelines, if you will -- are like a straight line. Lewis explains that if our lives are a timeline drawn, then God is the page on which they are drawn. He is over, above and all around the time line that is our life. He has all eternity to listen to our prayer this morning. He is paying attention!
Boy, this truth empowers my prayer life every time I think of it. God is not moving ont o something else. He is listening and watching over my conversation with Him...personally.