Ephesians 1:13 - In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation--having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise...
That word "sealed" is fantastic. It's the Greek word "sphragizo" and it is used here as to denote ownership, just like when someone puts the seal of ownership on an item.
The Bible writer Gaebelein says “The seal is therefore the Holy Spirit Himself, and His presence in the believer denotes ownership and security. The sealing with the Spirit is not an emotional feeling or some mysterious inward experience.” It's ownership - we are God's!
Note: It comes after we believed. The faith in the truth of the Gospel is what brings us to Christ and gives us this sealing.
I love my identification with bonds that I love. I am proud to be a Zockoll. I enjoy telling people I am an alumnus of the tiny Delmar High School of Delmar, Delaware, winner of four state football championships. I enjoy letting people know that I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a hard-working city with an ethnic blend that few other cities can boast.
And I enjoy telling people I'm a Christian. I love the reaction it brings. Sometimes it's joy. Other times it's surprise and even anger. It often brings questions; some are rhetorical, others are truly honest. But it''s rarely a situation where the reaction is neutral.
You, Christian, and I are sealed with the Holy Spirit. We have the imprint of Jesus on our lives, just like the signet ring that was pushed into the wax. May we show Him to the world.