Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Preparing for Nick's travels ... and other thoughts

On the home front:

Nicholas is getting ready to head to ETSU; we're having special dinners and involving ourselves in last-minute packing in order to help him prepare for Thursday's move.

Peter and I are both trying to get over sinus infections. I was almost caught by surprise by this, but then I realized, hey, I live in Tennessee. Every fall I get some sort of pollen attack and then every winter I get a severe cold. I don't mind it, though - it's worth it to be able to live in Tennessee.

Grandma was trying to cut Julie's bangs, but our little girl decided to fuss and move around during the haircut. The result is that her bangs are almost completely gone; I think I have more bangs than she does (take a look at my photo and you'll see how devastating this fact is). I'll try to post a picture of it soon.


We hear of many people who say they wish they could take back words they have previously used. We have also heard of others who wanted to make others "eat their words." Well, the celebrated 17th century German political historian Philipp Andreas Oldenburger had just that pleasure. It seems that Oldenburger became a little free-spirited in his criticism of the authorities in his pamphlet writings. He was arrested, found guilty, and given a most unusual sentence: "eat your own writings." And that is exactly what he was forced to do. He writes in his memoirs that he was forced under the threat of a flogging, to eat every last shred of paper of his pamphlets. Talk about having to eat your own words! Maybe those of us whose tongues constantly commit the sin of gossip ought to be aware that words can have a devastating effect on others - and on us!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. - Psalm 19:14