Saturday, August 12, 2006


Psalm 119:18 - "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law."

I read this interesting tidbit some time ago...sorry I can't remember the original source, but it's too good to pass up:

An Army psychology student drew kitchen detail and decided to apply some of his studies and theories to his work. He was stationed at the end of the chow line, assigned to hand out apricots. Apricots were not exactly a favorite among soldiers.
He asked the first soldiers that passed by, "You dont want any apricots, do you?" He calculated that 90% responded with "No."
He then tried a different angle. The next shift of soldiers were asked "You do want apricots, don't you?" Approximately half answered, "Yes, I guess so."
Finally he tried an old selling technique. This third time he asked, "One dish of apricots or two?" In spite of the universal dislike for Army apricots, 40% took two dishes and 50% took one!

People can be easily swayed by smooth talking...even Christians. Remember that the Christian life is guided by the Truth: Gods Word. No matter where the persuasion - on television, in movies, at school, in the neighborhood, or even in the family - there is only one way for us to go, and that's the path of God's will.