Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weekend thoughts

I am planning a Theology Camp for this January during the school's two week Winterim break.  I will only take a dozen students to an intensive four days of Koine Greek, Bible Q & A and Leadership training.  The Lord has made it possible for a generous family to allow us access to a cabin near Ft. Loudon Lake, thus saving a monstrous expense in cabin fees.  The Lord is clearly showing that He is guiding in this camp.  I had originally planned for a trip to England but it totally fell flat.  Shows God's leading.

The classroom personalities are coming out now, and it is encouraging to see what is developing.  Oh, of course you'll want to me to express an opinion on the problems - yes, L still panics if he doesn't get the room attention (which he doesn't, especially with the team cooperation) and he still sniffles like a child at times, but he's learning that maturing is the only way to make life tolerable in this class.  And there is J, a girl who touches on the idea of grabbing attention by trying to blurt out trivial questions, but - even above my correction - the class soon let her know that they wouldn't stand for it.

Here's what I am seeing:  T, a girl who was purported to be a self-centered girl last year, is opening up and sharing our daily Bible instruction at her dinner table.  She has expressed an almost-manic desire to go to the Theology Camp.  Another student, J, has settled in and is quickly becoming a spot-on leader in his class.  He is picking up the nuances of apologetics, greek and the doctrines.

I have been debating the classes in Bible, playing the part of the agnostic.  The prophecies - Psalm 22, Micah 5:2 and Psalm 4:20 have come into play quite strong as of late.  I have been also training them with excerpts from CS Lewis Mere Christianity.  The progress has been steady.  It is encouraging.

I also played a bit part in science professor Jason Cobb's comedy series concerning Science truths. I haven't seen the final cut, but I am told I held up well.  I really don't hear the siren call of Hollywood, however.