Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. - Ephesians 5:15, 16
I often get edgy at work. A desk job is extremely confining to me, and I long to get back into the teaching profession where I can walk the room and never sit down. Moreover, I like looking at the clock and realizing that for the next 40 to 50 minutes, I can share the Bible with my students in a controlled environment where they can ask questions, check my facts, and dip into the Bible and learn for themselves.
I constantly pray for patience, but I often feel like time is running out. There is so much ministry to do!
It's the same with my publishing work. I enjoy the labor of creating and developing plot lines and story episodes, but I often get antsy. Why can't I do this all the time, and really pour my efforts into the written word?
It's to be patient that I pray for, but not to be complacent.
The KJV relays verse 16 as "redeeming the time." The word redeeming is exagorazo and it is a financial term, referring to the wise use of money. Your use of time is like spending money on a shopping day. You can use it for meaningful things like food staples or construction needs, or you can blow it on candy bars and comic books. It's your money, but how will you use it?
That's always the way I felt that time was - a precious commodity that is to be used wisely. I seek to spend it wisely each day. The wise way to spend it is in such a way that at the end of the day I can honestly say to Jesus, "Thank you for the day. Here is how I spent it for You."