He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
- Psalm 91:1
"shelter" is the Hebrew word "cether" (pronounced "say-ther") which means "hiding place."
The Bible commentator Fausset says that hiding place "denotes nearness to God... (to) abide or lodge secure from assaults" that a Christian "can well use the terms of trust" that we so often sing of in God.
Do you allow God to hide you, to protect you, take care of you? It's a problem of mine that I often want to jump out away from His protection in order to see if I can succeed of experience life on my own. I don't want to sit and talk with Him. It's at those times that I receive painful wounds because I forget, as the song says, "the arm of flesh will fail you."
Pastor Chuck Smith notes that in this verse we are reminded that "There is a place where you and I can live in Jesus Christ, a place of safety, peace, and joy." I think of this as I counsel many young people who are hurting, but don't want to let go of their own desires and ways. They dopmn't want to go to the hiding place of submission and let God start the healing process. I am reminded of quite a while back when I met with one girl who would not let God take over a dating relationship that had gone sour. She wanted to continue to force her views, impatience and timetable on the situation... and the boy has since gone far away, not seeing a peace in the relationship.
I don't point a finger at her... I've done the same myself.
But, boy, do I get rest when I go to God's hiding place and let Him talk.