* Julie sat in one of those litle motorized kids' jeeps at WalMart, the ones that run on batteries but they take the batteries out of the floor models, right? - Well, surprise... this particular jeep HAD the batteries installed. As I turned around, she was tearing across the floor with a terrified look in her eye, having her foot on the pedal and not knowing what to do. I grabbed her steering wheel and was pulling for all I was worth while trying to find out where the brake was! (Of course, in her panic, she still had her foot on the gas). I stopped her about three inches from knocking over a floor display of about twenty bikes lined up in a row.
* Peter left on his Chicago mission trip. I took him to Waffle House this morning at five a.m. and we had the honor of paying the tab for a lone military man who was having breakfast. Hey, soldiers get high respect in our household.
* My back flared up. And bad. Back to square one on medication and pain relief. What a way to start a Sunday. I'm going to see that surgeon after all.
* Nicholas called and will be staying at Camp Red Cloud at least through the end of the calendar year! Praise the Lord!
* Our college Bible study was greeted by four new members who came to the study by kayak! I kid you not. They paddled up to our boat slip - oh, I didn't tell you we had a boat slip? Mainly because I don't know where it is myself. It's one of the many joyful surprises we had in purchasing this house. I told the guys at the study that we had to be the first Bible study anywhere who has newcomers arriving by kayak!
* Two universities want to order my nonfiction youth pastor helps book. Our micropublishing company, Doorknob Publishing, is off and running. To God be the glory!