I am thankful not only for the relief that my ailment was not cancer, but also for the supporting prayers of so many Christians.
Sunday night is just about my favorite time of the week.
I look forward to being with my good college and high school friends tomorrow evening here at the Zockoll household. I think what I enjoy most is the open-hearted desire to actually dig into the Scripture and see what God is revealing to us all.
Tomorrow night at 6 pm we look at the ways a person can identify a cult, and I'll be showing some actual cults... and the very sad consequences of those who followed them.
The Realians
Jim Jones' cult
Aum (the poison gas attack in Japan)
Applewhite and the Heaven's Gate cult
Temple of Set
Anton LaVey's Church of Satan
Matthew 24
•4 Jesus told them, "Don't let anyone mislead you.
•5 For many will come in my name, saying, `I am the Messiah.' They will lead many astray.