I can recall the deep pain of leaving our dear friends in Knoxville at West Park Baptist Church after my five years in the youth pastorate. Jill and I knew the Lord was moving me on to a publishing ministry, but the grief we undertook in leaving our close friends was almost unbearable. I can honestly say that I don't know if I have ever cried so much. The following day after our farewell party, my chest was sore from sobbing.
That was ponos - pain, and it is the word used in Revelation 21:4, telling us that when we get to Heaven, that pain will cease. It will be over.
When many of us think of the word "pain" as used in Revelation 21:4, we think of the physical hurt of arthritis, cancer, or injury. This word goes much deeper than that. The definition in the Greek intimates "intense trouble," or even a "deep longing," the kind, I believe that comes from yearning for something out of reach.
The ponos that hurts me most deeply is the pain of loss, especially the loss of friendship. I think of Dan and Katie Moorehead, in whose wedding I was most proud to be a participant back in 1981, and how much I just enjoyed talking and being with these wonderful people. I can recall being on the road, traveling as an itinerant speaker around the United States when I was single, and giving them a phone call or visit once in a while just to be able to enjoy their voices or presence.
Dan and Katie visited here in Knoxville about a year ago and recently sent a card with their picture (alongside their wonderful family), and I told me wife that if it were in my power to do so, would move their whole family to our neighborhood just so we all could be together once again. The ponos of separation from friends like this hurts me more than a physical injury.
It will not be so in Heaven. I will get to be with friends and family once again, no matter where - (Somerset, England; Hershey PA; Hollister CA; Phoenix AZ etc) - and we will never suffer ponos again, because the One who assures us of comfort and joy - Jesus Himself - will be overseeing the grand reunion.