Our subdivision is connected to Fox Road, here on the outskirts of Knoxville. When we first moved into our new home, we were told about the largish hole near the back of the property (our whole property is one foot short of being the exact dimensions of a football field) and how it was the home of a red fox and her kits. We would peer around for the fox to come around, and occasionally saw one darting across the subdivision road or sneaking around in the backyard tree line, but never a close encounter.
Until this past month.
That hole is once again home to a pretty red fox and her three roundish and furry kits. What a sight. Nothing on television or film could replace the real-life entertainment we get every day. We've been keeping a careful eye on them and enjoying the family tussle every afternoon. In the morning I leave an egg at the mouth of their "den", and as I do I have observed tufts of feathers and an occasional large mammal skull in the hole. Mom's been out hunting and doing a good job of feeding her babies.
We also notice that she'll let them wrestle and then get them back inside while she curls up and sits outside for a quiet time.
I guess moms of all kinds need their break from the kids.