Psalm 37:4 comes very much into mind in these recent days. We've been preparing for Nicholas' wedding, including the rehearsal dinner we'll have here at the homestead, which adds to the family traditions and history that this home is bringing to our family. Peter will be taking Libby to the prom this Saturday night. Julianne is "working" with me every day for 1/2 hour in my office here at the house (she empties my office trash can and then plays with Hello Kitty on a nearby table), while I work alongside the new and eager ABA teams as well as handle my other writing assignments.
Jill is busy but happy in preparing for the wedding here at the house, and many in our home church are helping us in various ways that make this festive time possible. Our outside gardens are slowly but beautifully blooming. The foxes - all seven of them - roam around the back yard, and Nicholas actually caught one of the babies and petted it quietly before releasing it back to the den. I will get you a picture of it tomorrow.
LIfe is almost unreal because things have been good. Oh, make no mistake, we've got our problems - companies deliquent in paying me and constant home repair are just two - but the family is together and enjoying each other all day long. I have been able to enjoy a true delight in the Lord. The word "desires" in the verse is the Hebrew word mish'alah which also means petitions or requests. It has been my desire ( my prayer, my petition) to be in fulltime writing and have a house to accomodate not only my family but also others who have need as well. Right now we are hosting a young man from Oklahoma. We see God's blessing every day and feel His peace. Isn't He great?
Yes, He is.