Last night was our final study until June. I have numerous obligations out of town in the coming weeks so we are all taking a hiatus. We finished up Revelation - what a journey!
I've also been able to go back and do voice work (my old radio days are coming back!) for companies. Here is a link to one of the sites. Click on the video - I'm the narrator:
I cannot tell you how busy today has been. I have taken dozens of calls and have been chugging through e-mails in anticipation of new writing jobs.
I have received e-mails and calls from a number of friends that I have not been able to return as quickly as I would like. I apologize, but with this big career change upon me, every available minute has been spent in moving files, setting up a new office, and getting legal paperwork in order. I hope you can understand. I will contact you as soon as possible. Besides this, Jill has run into a batch of poison oak and it is brutal. She has been seeing it spread slowly up her arms and legs, and it won't stop oozing despite numerous medications. It was bad enough (the ailment and the medication) that she was bedridden all day on Sunday. Please remember to pray for her.