Last night was probably the most off-the-wall Bible study we've had so far.
The initial studies (we'll have two of them a night and maybe three if time allows) were from the book of Philemon and the book of Revelation, specifically from Rev. 19. As we were talking about the coming of the Lord and the ensuing battle of Armageddon, the conversation changed - and I am not exactly sure at which juncture this occurred - we got into "nasty deaths in the Bible."
Among others, to the best of my memory we started discussing:
- Herod being eaten by worms.
- Ehud stabbing Eglon and getting his hand covered by the fat of Eglon's belly.
- Saul's suicide.
- Samson's torture (his death wasn't that grotesque, but the blinding he received was awful)
- Jezebel getting thrown out of a window, gettign run over by a chariot and then being eaten up by dogs.
The discussion was rather lively and not disrespectful in any way. After we had animated conversation for quite awhile the guys looked at each other and started laughing. Yet the point was made which came out in Revelation 19 - the birds were called to eat the flesh of the rebellious ones (Now I remember, yeah, that's where the conversation turned to the grisly death stuff) and I had made the point of the egocentric claims of the many who, as in Psalm 2, thought they could overthrow God and promote themeselves. Their end is not only swift, it's also humiliating.