Above: Halftime set up. They rolled that stuff in and out within minutes. Well, I guess they
had to.

After the win... I still can't describe the feeling. It was an event that has few equals. People across the aisles were hugging and shouting, high-fiving and cheering. Put New Year's, Christmas and July 4th rolled up into one and you have an idea. Taylor Moran and I take a break from screaming.

I'm going to say that this was taken about 40 minutes before kickoff.

The above photo was taken a couple of hours before game time. We chatted with everyone around us. A really exciting atmosphere, and everyone friendly, even "enemy" fans. The Steeler-to-Cardinal fan ratio was about 4 to 1. Maybe that's why Card fans were so friendly.

After these guys warmed up, a grounds crew came out and picked up shreds of grass of the field with their fingers, one at a time. I'm not kidding.

Ben and some players loosening up. Every time these guys sprinted along the sideline, the crowd erupted.

This is one of the first sights I had after I found my seat about two hours before game time. yeah, we got in early.

This was one of the walls to help direct us to the many parking lots after the Game.