I spent the morning speaking to five different groups at the conclusion of the ministry known as the Upward Basketball season, in which I had about seven minutes with each group. My presentation was the culmination of weeks of messages from their coaches and leaders in which they heard Bible verses and instructions on God's plan of salvation.
I met with them at the West Park Baptist gym and gave them a joyous message of God's free gift of salvation and the way to accept it.
I was stopped on the way out the door after one of these times by a man who called himself a Christian. He told me that I was not presenting the Gospel correctly. In a nutshell, he said that "the kids were too small to understand."
Since when did the Bible tell us that the simple childlike faith of loving Jesus, wanting to go to Heaven, desiring to follow the Lord and not wanting to be sinful could not be understood?
Luke 18:17 - "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."