Monday, September 25, 2006

What is God's will for my life?

You ask about knowing God’s will for your life? Our Sunday night Bible study dealt with this question and the Bible writer JI Packer gave a good clarification, and I'll try to adapt it to this country.

Lots of people think knowing God's will is like a New York subway system signal box, where you look at the electronic map and see all of the subway cars glowing with little lights, locating where they are on the map. Well, that’s the wrong view of God’s will. He does not give you the picture of the rest of your life.

The first thing I can tell you is that you start seeing His will when you start taking steps one by one and the way starts opening up. So what is he saying? Little steps. Bit by bit. God will hand to you enough to continue on with Him. You just keep moving in the right direction. Some people want a glamourous presentation and some bright flashy directional signal, but that’s not really it.

Bit by bit. Just enough lamplight for us to see the next bend down the road.