Monday, September 04, 2006

How is your church?

Is your church in the danger of marketing itself? Are you getting the satisfaction of worshipping God or is like like a trip to McDonald''re being treated as a consumer?

Writer Wayne Jackson states:
"A recent article in World magazine addressed this phenomenon. Note this quote:

‘Nothing is more characteristic of evangelical church meetings at the end of the 20th century than their orientation to the consumer, especially the unchurched one. Churches decide what their ‘market niche’ is; they study their ‘target audience’; they design the services to appeal to the consumer.’
In a word, ‘worship’ services have become ‘us-centered,’ rather than ‘God-centered.’
Would you rather have your Sundays free to camp, play golf, or visit with family? Fine, we’ll implement a "quickie," convenience-service for you at some other time so your conscience will be mollified, and you can enjoy your weekends. A news program recently featured one group that has a Sunday drive-through communion facility to accommodate those who prefer not to get out of the car on their way to the beach, etc. "

Wayne Jackson, "Disney Church" Christian Courier Publications,
(Monday, August 2, 1999)