At this stage of my life (I'm now 50 years old) I look for ways to do the Lord's work with a mind toward helping the next generation. Call it a heritage or what you will, but my deep desire is to minister to young people and pass on the blessings that the Lord has given me through these years.
That's why it was amazing to see the ministry results over at Concord Christian School on Tuesday night. I will post pictures asap. The four collegiate teams, from Omega Rho to Zeta Chi, had their Rush Night - and the whole gymnasium was a great, loud, exciting event. The teams had booths up and food galore. The students were excited and energetic. Sure, I know that one noisy evening doesn't make a ministry, but it showed the potential for the coming year. The students are ready! 2 Timothy 1:7 was already taking place. The future is promising for this middle school in the area of Christian leadership, teamwork, and spiritual growth.
These are the same kids I was with at the spiritual retreat last month. There were awesome decisions then. Tuesday night showed me that the decisions are still alive. Yes, I do feel like these are my kids... and I get a great joy from seeing their walk with Jesus.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. - 3 John 1:4