We've just finished setting up the recording studio so I will be able to undertake the numerous radio broadcasting tasks that have been coming into my office lately. Along with recording public service announcements on behalf of the Premier Basketball League teams, I will be doing some charity work for some organizations. Eiva Media's Steven Johnson and his brother Dave have been a great help in getting this project completed.
The whole Zockoll clan went over to hear Aaron Coffey speak at Oak Ridge Baptist Church last night. What a genuine speaker! You don't hear many like this gentleman anymore - sincerely in love with giving God's Word with no pretense or ego. His message was from Psalm 1 and I couldn't agree more: Christians would find more peace and power by simply enjoying and digging deeper into their Bibles.
Susie Shellenberger, editor of SUSIE Magazine has been a good friend of mine for a number of years. She is the head of a great magazine for Christian teen girls and the website is top of the line as well. www.susiemagazine.com
Julianne turned five on Sunday! We had a big blowout, like the Zockolls usually do, and party hats were the fashion statement of the day. The highlight of the day was the little electric car that Grandma and Grandpa gave her. I'll post a picture tomorrow.