Our Bible study is growing in more ways than one. More young people are showing up on Sunday and the hours of the "open house" study have become longer. We started yesterday at 4 p.m. and continued until 9:30 p.m.with continuous Scripture study.
Well, okay, we did take a break for some more nachos and roasting marshmallows over our fireplace, but overall the group of college students were pretty intense. Our studies ranged from Greek words storge, agape and phileo; Revelation 20 and the futuristic teaching in the chapter; Zechariah prophecies; verses concerning abortion; Davidic prophecies; and a debate.
The Sunday afternoon Bible studies are meant to be an open forum on anything the students want to discuss concerning the Bible and Christian issues. I have a regular Bible study we walk through, but at any time we break off and answer questions. We don't have any music or games; this is straight-on Bible learning. Please understand that students do not need to stay for the whole study; some come in at 6 p.m., others must leave early, so the students do not need to stay all five and a half hours ... though some do.
Wow, it is an uplifting time for me. The group - Jared, Jonathan, Daniel, Heather, Aaron and the others - are all intense and yet relaxed. The Lord takes over as we study, and the fellowship is based upon our growth in Christ.
Here is part of the learning we had last night (there has been a strong interest in prophecy):
Many people aren't aware that Zechariah the prophet had some amazing prophecies that he proclaimed on the authority of the Lord. He made his proclamations of the future over 2500 years ago while walking the streets of Jerusalem. Zechariah's prophecies were aimed at the Diaspora of the time - the Jews returning from the Babylonian Captivity His prophecies warned that it was not over - the Jews face more persecution and far-flung dispersion. In the midst of all of this shocking news is an interweaving of hope: the Messiah would come. Zechariah gave the signs of the requirements of the Savior...
Zechariah 9:9
The expected Messiah would enter Jerusalem while riding on a donkey
Zechariah 11:12-13
Zechariah's play-acting tale of a shepherd foreshadowed the betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
Zechariah 12:10
Zechariah foretells the crucifixion of the Messiah
You are most welcome to come to the Zockoll household on Sunday evenings if you are in the Knoxville, Tennessee area. Please write me at bradzockoll@gmail.com and let me know when you are coming through the area. We would love to have you join us by the fireplace for an evening of looking at God's Word.
The expected Messiah would enter Jerusalem while riding on a donkey
Zechariah 11:12-13
Zechariah's play-acting tale of a shepherd foreshadowed the betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
Zechariah 12:10
Zechariah foretells the crucifixion of the Messiah
You are most welcome to come to the Zockoll household on Sunday evenings if you are in the Knoxville, Tennessee area. Please write me at bradzockoll@gmail.com and let me know when you are coming through the area. We would love to have you join us by the fireplace for an evening of looking at God's Word.