We had a great week with my father coming to visit. I have not seen him since last year and it's great whenever he comes to stay for a while. We treated him to the movies, Italian restaurants, trips around town, Chinese restaurants, shopping, BBQ restaurants... you get the idea. Dad is 80 and moves around like he's 30. WE were hoping he'd come back for Thanksgiving, but he's back in PA, active in his Jazz band and doesn't think he can shake loose.
Jill has been readying the house for fall - it looks great. I'll try to post some pictures later on. Our "new" flooring is parquet - we found it whenever I was ripping up the old carpet. Hey, great savings! No new carpet to purchase.
Julianne has been Supergirl, Cinderella and Batgirl this week. Hard to keep up with all of the fictional characters. Easier than last month - she was Wall-E for a week.
Peter has just today gotten over the flu. He was in severe pain, with nausea and fever. Swine flu? We never could tell. He's recovered and will be back on the football field. It's a bye week so he has some days to get his strength back.
I had a great time speaking at GCA's chapel yesterday. Talked about forgiveness. God took over.
I had a great reading this morning in Nehemiah. What a story. One of the best verses is in 9:6:
You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.