LUK 18:1 - "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."
Not give up.
"give up" - EKKAKEW (Greek) - to be utterly spiritless, to be wearied out, exhausted
spiritless...feeling hollow, tired... like you ran a ten-mile race - finishing dead last - and nobody was at the finish line to meet you... wearied out...beyond bone-tired, it's a chest-heaving loneliness and hopelessness that you can't explain...
How many times have we felt that way?
We have plans for our life and honestly try to pursue the course that we think is right and God-honoring, only to have our maps shredded and our dreams smashed?
Not give up.
How many times have we walked through the valley of shadows, hurting mostly because we lack a nearby comforter here among the people we know. We long for a chance to talk and share our wounded feelings, but we face finger-wagging and lecture talks.
Not give up.
It's at times like this that we reach up and grasp tightly to Jesus and His promises found in the Bible and wait.
That's the hardest part, waiting. And letting the hurt go by.