It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost {of all.}
This is a statement that is (in the Greek) apodochē - "acceptable, available for admittance" -something you can grab open-handed and clutch, and pull to yourself and hold closely. So what is it that we hold tighter than our most precious possession?
The fact that Jesus is more than an example or a Sunday School picture. The trutht that He is above a Speaker, Teacher, or Rabbi. He is the Anointed One, the One Who Saves, the Almighty come in the flesh.
I remember the Christmas present that I had hoped and longed for, as a child. I lay awake at nights, hoping that I would open up the treasure on that Yule morning. What if my parents forgot that I wanted it? Would my Christmas morning be ruined? I remember actually being scared that it wouldn't come. But finally the day arrived. And, in an imitation of Ralphie opening up the last box that gave him the Red Ryder BB gun, I opened up my gift and there it was! I held it close, hardly believing it was mine, really mine.
And with the same awe and wonder, I can hold Jesus the Christ close to me and realize He is mine, really mine. If He was only a Teacher, that would be great. if He was just a great leader, I would enjoy that, too. But so much more! He forgives my sins and He listens to me. He leads me and loves me. And best of all...
...He is mine. And I am His.