In this quietness of solitude, I'm struggling to see what God has placed in my path for reflection, and a particular parcel sits right in the middle of the road...
Jill and I love the grad kids who head into their careers and college education... and we love the small in-home ministry we have right now of linking with the Christian young people who step out into the post-high school years.
And this is what is burning in the middle of the path right now...
1. USA Today reports from a LifeWay research project that 70% of Christian teens walk away from their faith after they leave home.
2. Cross Examined ministry states the dropout rate as high as 75%
3. Answers in Genesis states the percentage as 75% of Christian teens
4. The book Family Driven Faith puts the figure as high as 88% of the Christian teens who leave home for college will not go back to their faith again.
This tears at me.
I am meeting with a group of parents this Thursday night to address this issue. Lord, in the midst of all others things being stripped away, are you leading in this direction?