THEOLOGY CAMPERS: Please remember to get into the routine of reading one chapter of the book of Acts each day leading up to camp. We will be studying this powerful book of the Bible with an intense concentration to every verse. Be prepared! I'd also advise you to start getting your gear together. Sleeping bag, pillow, toothbrush...July 16th is coming soon!
I've made a great contact with a publisher who is interested in my latest novel. I've been slaving away throughout the summer to get this work done and the flow has been good. I won't reveal the gist of the novel just yet, but by this weekend I could be well over 80,000 words. I mean to make this my most powerful published fiction yet, and I believe the Lord is opening the door for me to do so. I will keep you posted.
Nicholas is working overnight shifts at Target. Some are ten and twelve hour shifts. We are praying for him and I would ask you to do the same if you might.
"The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us; just as the roof of a sunhouse does not attract the sun because it is bright, but becomes bright because the son shines on it." - C.S. Lewis