GREAT news...I 've had contact with three publishers in the past two days. One of them is very interested in my latest adult fiction work, and wants to get it into their office as soon as I finish the project (completed, around 100,000 words - I'm at 30,000 right now). The other two want to take my old novels from the Brio and Breakaway magazine publications and publish them as an anthology of short stories. I am feverishly trying to get all of the manuscripts in order and sent off - what a summer! Things just keep happening that continue to amaze us. The Lord is so good in bringing blessing after such a hard year with Jill's fibro myalgia and my injuries. Nicholas has a steady job and is readying himself for college at ETSU. Peter has started his own lawncare business and has become quite responsible. Julianne, of course, is the 2 year old baby that brings joy to us every day.
Psa 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. "
This is the Lord in action. This is seeing Jesus in His gift-giving stage.