We're in exams and it looks like the school year at Grace Christian Academy is just about over. I'll be going back to my writing during the summer - I even have a Summer Writer's Camp in June - and I'll be trying to slow down the pace a bit.
We're going in for the Social Security Administrartion court hearing for Jill's fibro myalgia on May 31st. I cannot tell you how much I would appreciate your prayers on this hearing. The medical help we can receive would be fantastic.
Tonight is Julianne's kindergarten graduation! I will post some pictures of the gala affair later this week. Nicholas is coming back in town to surprise Julie. Grandma and Grampa will be there as well. Peter will also be attending, and I wanted to let you know that he's been saving up to attend L'Abri in the fall. He'll be boarding in England for at least one semester. The best way I can describe it is to let you click on this link and see for yourself: http://www.labri.org/england/index.html In fact, I might recommend it for many of my friends who want to enter into a deeper exploration about God and His truths.
Jill is doing fine and is looking forward to the summer... as well as the repair on our roof and other parts of the house after the hail storm last month. Our gutters are smashed, and so is our outdoor grill, parts of our deck and our outdoor swing. Our roof is going to get a complete overhaul. I'll keep you updated.
So much more to write but I must run....