Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back to writing this summer

I'm writing this early in the morning while seated at my classroom desk at the school, enjoying the quiet. It's the last day for all staff - hard to believe the summer is upon us. Yesterday was the final day for the students; a bittersweet day for me. I enjoy my students very much.

Sunday is my birthday, and to celebrate my 52nd year on this earth, I've invited my entire Bible class from the Academy to join me. We have 78 who have RSVP'd to attend and squeeze onto our property this Sunday. This will mean a lot of hot dogs, hamburgers and carbonated beverages will be required - along with a few dozen extra lawn chairs to handle the crowd.

I'll be writing and looking after the household this summer, enjoying the chance to dig into the Scriptures and learn more Koine Greek passages. Jill is excited about the summer months and Julianne is already talking about planting a watermelon patch.

The magnificence and majesty of God! megaleios = majesty .... Luke 9:43 - "And they were all amazed at the greatness of God..." from the word mega, meaning great.

God is good. God is holy.

And indeed, God is majestic!

Please be in prayer for the Zockoll household as we head to a court hearing for Jill's Fibro Myalgia on May 31st. A favorable hearing will give us the needed monies for Jill's medications and care.

Brad Zockoll