A nice blanket of snow has hit us here in Eastern Tennessee and as usual the schools have all closed down for the day. I know, I know, you friends from the northern climes are going to laugh at our 1 and 2 inches of snowfall. I realize that your schools don't close until at least a foot or two collapses the whole highway system but cut us some slack - we don't see much of this anymore. Remember, I was born in Pennsylvania and I can remember some whompin' good snows in my day. The picture here was taken on the way in to Gatlinburg on the Smoky Mountain Parkway by a weather-watcher. It gives a nice idea of what we have outdoors right now.
I'm setting up my speaking engagements for the year. I'm lining up dates for going to churches and sharing God's message. It's always exciting to do this, because I get to meet so many great Christians.
Boy, I do love the blessings that Jesus gives. I enjoy every day the care that God shows over me, my family and friends, and I want to return that love in my own small ways. "...we have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing (euarestos) to Him." (2Cor 5:9)."Well pleasing" - euarestos (eu = well + arésko = please) means something that highly approved, above the average satisfaction. Are we making extra effort in our service to Christ to show our love to Him ... or are we just 'getting by? I just don't want to "exist" on this planet, taking in Jesus' joys and not giving back. I like to look for ways to show His love to others and bring honor to His name.