As we near the end of January, I'm hard at work on the calendar in planning for the upcoming season. I'll be hosting Christian Writer Workshops at churches and bookstores around the country. Yesterday I was able to finalize the meetings I'll have in Maryland and here in Tennessee. Plus, I'm arranging for speaking engagements at churches as I present Koine Greek messages and Apologetics as well. The Lord is guiding, it's so obvious to us.
Peter's final paperwork goes into Bryan College to see his qualification for scholarships. Nicholas will be home next week, settling in with the Air Force Reserves and also looking for a new career. Jill is preparing a dinner for some friends to come over tonight (what a nice break after all the workloads we've had to labor through in the past weeks!) and Julianne is preparing a tea party for the family later on today with her little tea set. She was making some last night and spilled the water ont he kitchen floor, taking a pretty nasty tumble. Ever the trooper, she picked herself up, wiped away her tears and continued the preparation.
I am seeing the Lord taking us through numerous new avenues of ministry and am watching to see how He puts various people in our path. Yesterday I spoke at the Christian Academy of Knoxville and had some great counseling opportunities afterwards. More writers are contacting me about contributing to the Zockoll Chronicles website, and that's keeping me busy. Plus, I've just been hired by a textbook company to write some biographies. Things are starting to pick up after the lean weeks of little or no work during the holidays. The Lord is in control and I'm truly leaning on Him.
This dependence thing is always hard but always good for me.