Exodus 16 relates the story of God' provision to the Israelites - they had left Egypt with no food or water, according to the Scriptures - of flat, wafer-like substance called manna (literally "what is it?") that lay on the ground every morning, a heaven-sent breakfast from God.
I find it most interesting, especially in today's economic climate, that the people were given just enough to make it through the day. No hoarding was allowed, except in preparation for the Sabbath. The day's sustenance was just enough to take you to the next morning.
Many of us who have been facing financial challenges can take heart in this. Full reliance on God is needed every day. Never shirking our duties, but at the same time putting our faith in His power and not our own, is the way that pleases Him and sustains us.
My writing assignments come in like manna. I know that they could end at any time and yet they flow in and give us just enough to continue on. It bolsters our faith and draws us closer to Him. Just as we saw the answer to prayer in John H. getting a long sought-after job after almost a year of no employment, we can see God guiding as we rely on Him.
Day by day. Just enough.