Sometimes we are not satisfied with the responsibilities God has given us, thinking we are fitted for a larger ministry. Looking enviously at the size or scope of another believer's calling, we think less of our own work and begin to neglect it.
In his book Be Faithful, Warren W. Wiersbe told how C. H. Spurgeon, the famous Baptist preacher, handled that problem. "A young preacher once complained to Spurgeon that he did not have as big a church as he deserved. `How many do you preach to?' Spurgeon asked. 'Oh, about a hundred,' the man replied. Solemnly, Spurgeon said, `That will be enough to give account for on the day of judgment.
The truth of Spurgeon's statement is borne out in Paul's reminder to "fulfill your ministry." The apostle was telling his young friend in the faith to do all that God had called him to do. But this did not mean that Timothy was to do the same things as Paul. Nor did it mean that he would accomplish as much as the apostle would. Rather, it meant that whether Timothy's task was large or small, in the limelight or behind the scenes, he was to fulfill his ministry in a diligent and commendable manner. —D. C. Egner (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. All rights reserved)