Here is a picture taken at Nicholas' wedding. Jill is with her very dear friend Sharon McDuffie. Jill and Sharon have been friends for almost twenty years now, and Sharon was instrumental in making a fantastic presentation of Nicholas' and Alexis' wedding. Jill and Sharon both brighten any room they enter. My wife Jill has a heart for the Lord that is a constant encouragement to me, even in these early days of my new writing career. She has a yearning to follow Jesus each and every day and makes our household a home. I know quite a few people who cannot say that and it reminds me to thank the Lord every day for the blessing of having such a precious wife.
The "Meadowlark weekend" was fantastic. Maryville has embraced the new team and there is excitement about the upcoming season. We had numerous radio shows and press conferences - all went well. Big plans are in the works for the fall season.
Meadowlark is a man after God's own heart. He was consistently talking about following the Lord and the joy that serving Jesus brings. It was a busy but spiritually uplifting weekend.
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24